Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday Morning Update

Happy Tuesday from your Morning Meteorologist Kristen Connolly!

Yesterday the overall turned out to be pleasant despite a cold front that moved through the region. The cold front did cause some thunderstorms and showers especially in the morning hours in the northern part of the Big Country. Even with the front moving through we managed to maintain highs in the mid to upper 80’s.

Today the cold front is still lingering through leaving a slight chance for a shower or two but for the most part partly cloudy skies with temps reaching once again the mid 80’s. As the cold front pushes forward it will keep the moisture blocked for at least a few days so no moisture around Wednesday and Thursday to cause rain showers. A little bit of colder air from the Plain states will bring just a touch of cooler air but will not last long so temperatures should stay Mid 80’s for Wednesday and Thursday.

Behind the front we should see a small warming trend with Highs beginning to reach near 90 into the weekend. As of right now I don’t seem much moisture coming into play so showers don’t seem as prevalent as they had yesterday.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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