Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Fire Danger Continues

From Chief Meteorologist Craig Carnesi...

The grass fire danger will continue through the early evening hours tonight. The low pressure system we talked about yesterday is currently moving through the Eastern half of Oklahoma. This system is responsible for the tighter pressure gradient which caused the strong winds today.

The worst fire we have heard reported today has been in the Cross Plains community. This fire has damaged or completely burned down too many structures to count at this time. There have been reports of numerous other grass fires across the KRBC viewing area as well.

The fire danger is going to continue over the next 5 to 10 days as well. There is still no rain in the extended forecast, and it appears that we will see more cold fronts and low pressure systems that will produce strong, gusty winds as well. The next system is not expected to pass until Friday. Before that, we can expect wind speeds anywhere from 10 to 30 miles per hour each afternoon. The strongest winds should be Friday and Sunday afternoons.

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