Friday, December 30, 2005

9:00 p.m. Friday Discussion

From Chief Meteorologist Craig Carnesi...

As with previous days, there really isn't much to add to our previous discussions here.

A Fire Weather Watch is in effect for the entire Big Country and KRBC viewing area for Sunday. The National Weather Service will upgrade the watch to a Red Flag Warning Saturday for Sunday. The National Weather Service may also issue a Red Flag Warning for Saturday afternoon as well. Winds will be at or near required criteria necessary for a Red Flag Warning Saturday. Sunday there is no question that we will meet the criteria and exceed it.

By next week the warm and dry conditions will continue with weak cold fronts passing Sunday night and Tuesday night.

Just a reminder, ALL fireworks have been banned across the KRBC viewing area because of the dry conditions. Regardless of the ban, please do not use any fireworks this holiday weekend. Also, remember to not burn anything outdoors at all. Plus, something some folks do not realize, but if you live on a farm or ranch, or anywhere with an open field, do not drive or park your vehicle on that dry ground, keep you vehicle on paved or gravel roadways. The heat from your engine block could very easily start a grass/brush fire as well.

Finally, no one should ever throw a cigarette butt out of a window anyhow, but, please do not do so now. It will only take one ember to start a fire that would get out of control quickly and could endanger property and life.

PLEASE, go out and make it a SAFE & GREAT New Year's Weekend!

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