Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hot & Mostly Dry Weather Continues:

Good Morning from Meteorologist Chris Whited at KRBC...

* Once again this morning we start off with morning clouds from one dying complex of thunderstorms to our northwest and one over the Permian Basin. Clouds will stick around a few hours this morning and gradually begin to break up as we expect partly cloudy skies today.

* The morning forecast models runs are stilll pointing toward another complex of thunderstorms to form in the Panhandle of Texas tonight and drop southeastward. It think it will be the same senario as last night that these storms will fall apart over the northwestern portions of the Big Country so will focus on that area for the best chance of rain tonight and early Wednesday morning,

* Heat ridge builds to our west but it now appears the really extreme heat will remain across the Permian Basin and Trans-Pecos. It will be hot here with highs in the middle 90s... a few degrees above the average highs in the lower 90s.

KRBC Forecast:

Partly Cloudy
Hot & Breezy
Highs: 94-98°
Wind: S 5-10
Rain Chance: 10%
Severe Weather Threat: None

Partly Cloudy
T-Storms Possible Late (Mainly Northwest Big Country)
Lows: 69-75°
Wind: S 10-25
Rain Chance: 20%
Severe Weather Threat: None

Morning Clouds
Becoming Partly Cloudy & Hot
Highs: 92-95°
Winds: S 10-15

Enjoy your Tuesday...

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