Thursday, March 19, 2009

Money Saver Challenge is Over - Thankfully !!

From KRBC Chief Meteorologist Randy Turner ...

Each night on KRBC, you see Downing and Kyna report the news, Michelle report the sports and me deliver your daily forecast. However, this week you also saw us do something different called the Money Savers Challenge.

Someone, in their infinite wisdom, decided to challenge the "Team" to buy enough food for five days, but spend only $15 each. So, we all went shopping, together, and bought what we all felt would help us survive those five days.

As for me, I did fine for the first two days, but stubbed my toe with the help of the good people known as the Prime Timers at Pioneer Drive Baptist Church. Now I'm not blaming them at all. I'm actually thanking them for having me over to speak to their group, then inviting me to stay for lunch. It's fried chicken at a church, the best kind! Of course I accepted !!
But I did skip the dessert table (and have witnesses to back me up), and made only one trip through the line, really !

But, later that evening, I went right back on the Challenge and the always tasty Ramen noodles. (If I never eat another one, that's ok).

My five-day menu consisted of the aforementioned noodles, eggs, oatmeal for breakfast everyday, chicken leg quarters, some carrots to snack on, lettuce and tomatoes for salad and one large Diet Coke to calm the nerves. You may have seen that I bought a 3-liter bottle. Honestly, it started going flat on day two, and I gave it up in favor of good old water, free from the fountain here at the station with over half of the Diet Coke left in the station fridge for flatten ever further.

I still don't know who started the peanut butter rumor (Dapper) about me satisfying a late night

Can living on $15 for five days be done? Absolutely.
Did I do it? I'd say 90% of the time.
Would I do it again? Sure. (but not anytime soon)
Would I change the menu? Yes - I'd probably add spaghetti and some type of casserole which can go a long way.

So there you have it. My take on the Money Savers Challenge !!

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